
This page lists essential, serious (can I call it legal technically?) information about this website and the company BayerCo Industries, LLC. This will become the main "legal information" page for this website, pulling miscellaneous information from the Corporate section too important to put next to the fictitious stuff.

This page is also the legal page for all other BayerCo Industries websites, and is linked to in their horizontal navigation bars under the tab "Legal". If you feel you reached this page in error, please click the Back button on your browser to return to the previous website.


Carefully read these terms and conditions. By visiting, viewing, sharing or receiving links to, or otherwise using this site and any and all pages, content (including images, audio samples, text and text documents, and any and all other computer files) and/or other material hosted on it, you hereby agree to these Terms of Use.

The Terms of Use for this website are as follows:


A. "Aidan Bayer" is the owner and original creator of this website in its entirety, with the exception of images, text, or other content on this website with an explicit disclaimer acknowledging a different author. He takes no responsibility, legal, monetary or otherwise, for any action another user takes on this website. He has written these Terms of Use to define the legal rights any user or member has to use this website and to express actions which all users are prohibited from taking. As the website's owner he reserves the right to add, edit, remove or otherwise modify any and all content, sections, sub-sections, sub-pages, pages or any and all other portions of this website, in whole or in part, at any time, with or without notice.

B. In the instance of these Terms of Use, a "user" is any person who accesses, views, modifies or otherwise uses this website, for any reason.

C. In the instance of these Terms of Use, a "viewer" is any user who accesses any part of this website who does NOT have any explicit permissions, granted via the "Sharing and Permissions" infrastructure of this website's Google Sites editor, to browse the "Employee Section" or any other section of this website which may require a Google Account log-in in order to be accessed. They may or may not have accessed this website using a Google Account and may or may not be pending approval by Aidan Bayer for "member" or "BayerCo Industries Employee" status. Effectively, they hold the ability to access and view, but not edit or otherwise modify, the main portions of this site, including but not limited to, "News", "Big Website of Randomness", "Corporate" (with the exception of the "Employee Section" and all pages contained within) and "501st Legion - Vader's Fist" and any and all pages contained within each of the above sections, unless otherwise noted.

D. A "member", also known as a "BayerCo Industries Employee", is any user who accesses any part of this website who DOES have special permissions, again granted via the "Sharing and Permissions" infrastructure of this website's Google Sites editor, which allows them to access the "Employee Section" in combination with an active, authentic Google Account. They may or may not have accessed this website using a Google Account but possess the privilege of logging in using the aforementioned Google Account in order to access the "Employee Section" or any other portion of this website which requires logging in in the same manner. Effectively they possess the same privileges listed above for "viewers" with the addition of limited permission to edit, add, remove or otherwise modify certain pages in the "Employee Section" including, but not necessarily limited to, any content they add to the page "BayerCo Industries Internal Projects" only. The title "BayerCo Industries Employee" only applies to those members possessing permission to access the "Employee Section" at this time and currently does not entitle them to similar limited editing permission on any and all other access-limited portions of this website Aidan Bayer may add in the future.

These "Permissions Levels" of "viewer" and "member" also known as "BayerCo Industries Employee", the privileges granted to a user by each, and the entire de facto "content access control system" for this website are still being tweaked, are not concrete and are subject to change at any time. Aidan Bayer reserves the right to add, remove, edit or otherwise modify any and all users' privileges on this website, for any reason, with or without notice.

E. The "BayerCo Industries Employee Section", also known as the "Employee Section", is an exclusive section of the website, located under the "Corporate" tab in the horizontal navbar at the top of all pages of this website, requiring permission from Aidan Bayer for access. It also requires the user to possess a valid, active Google Account to bypass the login page. NOTE: The way the "Sharing and Permissions" infrastructure on this website is configured is not permanent and is subject to change at any time.


Section I. Copyrighted Material

1. No uploading of copyrighted material may be permitted with the exception of special circumstances requiring (A) the permission of Aidan Bayer and (B) the permission of the creator/author/copyright holder of the material in question. If the author cannot be reached you must provide full credit of the material in question to the original creators of said material on the page on which the material in question is located. The same must be done if the author has been contacted and has given consent. Proof of consent must then be sent to Aidan Bayer for admission. If the author refuses consent, you are prohibited from posting the material in question on this website. If both (A) and (B) have been obtained, then you are allowed to post one (1) copy of the material in question on the page in question. You then must provide acknowledgement of the original creator(s) and a source in URL or MLA Citation (or close enough to it, providing as much information as you know in an organized layout) format shall be posted at the bottom of the page.

Permissible formats for copyrighted material are as follows:

  • Images in a .jpg format. No images with hidden metadata, such as those altered by digital steganography, are allowed.
  • Excerpts of text from written works, including but not limited to books, magazines, hardback/softback novels and .pdf files. No text originally hosted on other websites is allowed unless the website is owned by yourself.
  • Word processing file formats, such as .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt or any open-source equivalent. However, these files must be uploaded to a page in a "File Cabinet" template, in the "File Cabinet" portion of the page itself. If uploaded to an "Attachments" portion of the page in question, it will be deleted. Aidan Bayer, at the time this revision of the Terms of Use was written, is currently in the process of removing any and all "Attachments" sections from each page of this website.

2. If Aidan Bayer is contacted by any copyright holder regarding the uploading of copyrighted material by another user of this website the content in question will be immediately removed and the user will be forced to contact the copyright holder in question and provide proof of doing the same or he/she will be permanently prohibited from accessing this website and everything on it.

Section II. Uploading of Personal Content

1. No uploading of "personal content", content you have created and hold an automatic personal copyright on, shall be permitted without the express permission of Aidan Bayer. This has been implemented to prevent "spamming" or other forms of uncontrolled uploading of content to this website. Depending on your individual Permissions Level you may eventually be allowed to post personal content without requiring Aidan Bayer's permission. However, this is not a guarantee you WILL be allowed the above. Aidan Bayer retains the right to allow or deny, for any reason, at any time, with or without notice, the uploading of personal content to this website. This remains true of the entire website, not just the "Employee Section".

Section III. Legal Responsibility, Prohibited Content and Proper User Etiquette

1. Aidan Bayer and the fictitious entity known as BayerCo Industries, LLC. take no responsibility for the actions of others on this site.

2. By initiating, intending to initiate or success in becoming a member on this site, aka a "BayerCo Industries Employee", you take responsibility for any and all actions you take on the page on this website titled "BayerCo Industries Employee Section" and all related sub-pages, including but not limited to, "The Board", "BayerCo Industries Internal Documents", and "BayerCo Industries Internal Projects" and any and all other sub-pages Aidan Bayer may add to the "Employee Section" in the future as well as any other parts of the website which may require Sharing and Permissions approval and a Google Account login in the future.

3. No posting of pornographic material is allowed. This is a website designed to give members the feeling of working in an elite corporate organization, presented in the form of a sort of clan or membership club. This website also hosts projects Aidan Bayer and certain authorized others, such as personal friends of Aidan Bayer, have created. This is not an imageboard or porn site. Any user on this website caught uploading pornographic material, including illegal pornographic material such as child pornography will be permanently banned and their username and IP reported to the proper authorities if need be.

4. Posting of other illegal material, including but not limited to warez, torrents, other intellectual property, etc. is prohibited. The same penalties for article 3 apply to users found guilty of article 4.

5. Lastly, any and all users on this website must be responsible internet citizens and treat everyone else on this website with respect, friendliness and consideration. Any and all trolls, douchebags or other people who continue to harass, insult or otherwise harm the experience of this website for, and well-being of, any and all users WILL be banned from both the Employee Section, if granted access to it, AND the entire website. This is a one-strike policy except in special circumstances. Aidan Bayer retains the power to ban and admit viewers and members on this website as well as any administrators, moderators and/or any and all other specially-privileged users he may appoint or remove in the future.

6. This website is a work-in-progress and Aidan Bayer takes no responsibility for any damages, loss of data or other personal injury caused by this website.

7. These Terms of Use are subject to change without notice, at Aidan Bayer's discretion.

8. These Terms of Use, and any and all future revisions of the Terms of Use, take effect immediately following their upload to this website.

To contact Aidan Bayer regarding these Terms of Use, please email him at arbayer2 (at) and include the line "Terms of Use" in the subject line. Any message sent without the line above in the subject line, or sent with obscene language and/or insults, or sent with no relevancy to the Terms of Use, will be considered spam, disregarded and deleted.

For those of you who see my page and think to themselves, "Hey, that was on MY site! This guy's a copyright infringer, time to get out my courtroom suit!" I wanted to make this page. If I've posted your image or copyrighted work on here, I like it. I really do. I most likely wanted to show others (mostly people I know and hold dear, who actually know about this site) that I liked it and wanted them to experience it for themselves.

I do not intend, never have intended and never will intend to infringe on your copyrighted works, regardless of the type of content. They were posted from links available on the internet (mostly via Google, which is my search engine of choice, and Wikipedia, which I rely on for aggregated information on various subjects), via the means available from a user of Google Sites (mainly URL-based image links) and if I am capable of doing so anyone is capable of the same.

I made this site as a personal website and a gift to whomever decides to view it, and I stand to make no profit or illegitimate gain, monetary or otherwise, from external content posted on this site, although I may intend to, and reserve all rights to, make profit and/or legitimate gain at any time from content I created myself. I'm fresh out of high school, and as such I needed something worthwhile to spend my free time on; this is one of them. I made this website for fun and I do it without wages, without tenure and most of all without any sense of professionalism. :P This is the work of one person with too much time on his hands and a computer with an internet connection, please keep in mind that I have a lot to learn about stuff like this.

II. About Uploaded Images and Content

From the date the page you are reading was made, February 26, 2011 (updated 2/14/2012), I have made one review which includes two images, found via Wikipedia and Google Images, respectively. Those are likely going to be the two sites which I will use in order to put something into my reviews and features on this site in order to spare the viewer from just seeing a bland wall of text. It's used to spice up the feature, and unless otherwise noted it was found in the public domain, namely the above mentioned sites, and therefore falls under fair use. But this may include resources on the internet I find in the future, and if that happens I will do what's right to the best of my abilities and give credit where credit is due.

Now then, I do have to make this clear: the reviews, rants, layout, individual pages, text and other content that I post, unless otherwise stated, are my intellectual property and mine alone, and while I do not pretend to know all about U.S. Copyright law, I do know that words, thoughts and creative works that I have made, am making and will make are my intellectual property. So please be reasonable in your judgment, and I will do all in my power to show to whomever views it the true owners of any and all works on this site.

If you see an image, song or other copyrighted works on here and you wish to have it removed, just contact me via my email address at arbayer2 (at) and I will gladly do so. I do not wish to go to court for making amateur reviews and showing off interesting subjects, and I'd like to keep it that way. If you wish to contact me over a copyright issue, contact info is available on this site in the About (deleted, can now be found under Corporate) section. Thanks for understanding, and for showing an interest in my website. :)


III. Legal Identity of BayerCo Industries


BayerCo Industries, LLC is an interesting entity. Here's the backstory behind it. Back in 2010, my friend Greg Lukhtanov and I discovered the site "Your World of Text" on the internet, a sort of interactive social media website that allowed you to spontaneously create your own pages on it and make text art among other things. Kinda like a mix between a word processor and an Etch-a-Sketch. Anyway, on the first couple pages I created for it, /subetha4 and /arbayer2, I had a brainwave.

Feeling energized at owning, for all intents and purposes, my own webpages for the first time, I managed to create a fictitious corporate government entity called BayerCo Industries in /subetha4, or /arbayer2, I forget which, after I made a royal monarchy in /arbayer2 called the Royal Government of Sub-Etha IV. I then somehow got the inspiration to make a fake legal document looking somewhat like a mashup of a Terms of Use statement from a company with that of a government's constitution. I added a rudimentary chain of command on an ASCII-art graphic on the lower-left portion of the page's center, and placed myself in the fictional position of President, CEO and founder of the company BayerCo Industries.

(As for the legal status of BCI, it's a complicated situation. On economic terms, the company doesn't exist, de facto, as most do. I.e. trading on the stock market, employing workers and producing real-life products. (other than the fiction on this website, which you could consider to be a BCI product made mainly by me until others join the "company" via the Employee Section.) However, as BCI is my intellectual property being a work of fiction I wrote, it can be considered a tangible entity just as something as virtual as a video game is considered tangible according to U.S. copyright law.)

I realized that I was really onto something, seeing how popular the use of alternate-reality companies and websites are for marketing works of art such as video games and movies, so I decided that this website would be a combination of a blog, personal website and alternate-reality game/website providing exposure to BayerCo Industries.

Thus, the website you are on today is mainly my personal website and blog, but it is also the main corporate page for the BayerCo Industries, LLC alternate-reality multinational conglomerate corporation. Hidden in the Employee Section, past a login screen for Google Accounts (which lets me allow or deny membership or "employee" status to viewers of this website,) is something of a fictional corporate internal network, complete with internal news-board, internal document upload page and a (half-built) "internal project" discussion board. This serves as one of the few most defined locations of BCI's existence outside of my own mind, the aforementioned YWOT pages being the other well-defined location, and the BCI Facebook page being a sort of afterthought I had to establish some semblance of legitimacy for BCI in the eyes of my friends on Facebook.

As for my friends, that's another thing I must discuss. The Employee Section is simply a virtual manifestation of something like a clan I made for my closest friends. How it works is, I'd ask them if they want to join the "company", they'd affirm, I'd get them to get a Google Account if they didn't have one and then I'd authorize them to access the Employee Section at the login page with their Google Account via the Google Sites sharing and permissions features.

I'd then assign them a fictional "RAINBOW System clearance" to make them feel empowered and responsible, and based on their assigned clearance certain sections of the Employee Section would be off-limits to them, again, via the Google Sites sharing and permissions features. On this site via the Employee Section sub-section "BayerCo Industries Internal Documents" page, I have (may not be uploaded yet, check again soon... -Aidan) uploaded a document I wrote outlining the basic internal structure of BCI I made up, including the description of the RAINBOW System, clearances and other information.

After they received their clearance, they'd be allowed to participate in BCI's Employee Section by adding posts under the "Internal Projects" sub-section describing projects they're working on in their personal lives that they feel would add to the experience of being an "employee." Eventually I want the Internal Projects subsection to be something of a forum, for this very purpose, complete with its own classification and filing system, just like a company's internal database would look to me. (I'm not very knowledgable about such things, I admit, but adding a standard title to each project, numbering them and classifying them on a per-project basis seemed bureaucratic enough to look like something a company does internally.)

After this, who knows? I'm thinking of making a clan in Minecraft and/or Terraria or other online multiplayer games to further the BCI employee experience by having us cooperate on projects to show off the company in some fashion or other. Just as members of the 501st Legion costuming organization have their standard "Imperial"-like customs for communication, I want to make something similar for BCI as a whole. Maybe I'll document the whole history of BCI someday and sell it online. Maybe there'll be a movie about it. Maybe I'll actually use the name BayerCo Industries, LLC for my own start-up company and legally operate using it.

Thanks for showing an interest in BayerCo Industries! I'm proud of having thought it up, it's taught me more about myself and my talents than most other projects I've ever started in my life so far, and I hope it's kept and will keep you entertained!


Aidan Bayer

Owner of this website, lead developer of this website, creator of the "BayerCo Industries, LLC" fictional corporation and all assets, "President, CEO, Founder and Chairman of the Board of BayerCo Industries, LLC", as well as creator of the YWOT domains BCI was spawned from and creator of the BCI Facebook company page.

Below is important legal/copyright information about BCI, the RAINBOW System and where you can get more information:

BayerCo Industries, LLC exists in the imagination of myself and any others who participate. It is, as far as I know, only intellectual property which I own, and is not an actual company. I created it, it is my intellectual property. I reserve the rights to all of my intellectual property, including that of BCI as fiction, the BCI name, the BCI websites, the internal structure I have created for it, the projects and other internal content I have created and will create for it and anything else related to BCI including but not limited to merchandise, marketing, etc., unless otherwise stated.

BayerCo Industries, LLC (C) Aidan Bayer. All rights reserved. RAINBOW System (C) Aidan Bayer, inspired by and based off of the color classification system in the PARANOIA tabletop RPG originally created by West End Games. I take no credit for their work, only for the RAINBOW System which I created.

For more information on BayerCo Industries, LLC, the RAINBOW System, any of the content on this website or any other websites I have created for BCI and other entities, please contact me via email at arbayer2 (at) Please include a relevant topic in the subject line for the best chance of me reading it and not deleting it as spam. Thanks!

IV. Conclusion

Thank you for your attention. I hope you enjoy BayerCo Industries, the website and any and all other stuff I make!

This page originally written March 14, 2012 by Aidan Bayer. Revised August 25, 2017.

© Aidan Bayer and BayerCo Industries, LLC. All rights reserved.